فعالیت و تکلیف

شعبه: متوسطه اول دخترانه آریاشهر تهران
کلاس: زبان‌انگلیسی سطح 4

زبان انگلیسی همگانی نهم

مدرس: غفوری، محدثه
فعالیت: we finished page 4F we talked about three stories and we analyzed them.
تکلیف: Dear students please do your workbook4F and write your diaries.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی نهم

مدرس: غفوری، محدثه
فعالیت: we practiced page 4F we were talking about three pictures in exercise 1
تکلیف: Dear students please write the summary of page 4F Do your workbook.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی نهم

مدرس: غفوری، محدثه
فعالیت: we did exercise 3.4.5. on page 4E We were talking about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone
تکلیف: My clever students! For the next session please do your workbook and read your vocabulary builder . Tomorrow I will ask you.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی نهم

مدرس: غفوری، محدثه
فعالیت: We were talking about Thanksgiving and adverbial phrases
تکلیف: My dear students you have to write your grammar builder and please do exercises 4 and 5

زبان انگلیسی همگانی نهم

مدرس: غفوری، محدثه
فعالیت: We practiced page46/ 4D Future time clauses First conditional if + present simple, ... will + infinitive and we did the exercises on page 46
تکلیف: My clever students please do your workbook and your grammar builder.
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