فعالیت و تکلیف

شعبه: متوسطه دوم دخترانه آریاشهر تهران
کلاس: زبان ترمیک | سطح 5B

زبان انگلیسی همگانی دهم

مدرس: خدابنده لو، فاطمه
فعالیت: We have covered page 43 completely we have covered page 44 parts: 1-3
تکلیف: Workbook : 4C Write a paragraph and explain: what is the most dangerous disaster? why?

زبان انگلیسی همگانی دهم

مدرس: خدابنده لو، فاطمه
فعالیت: We have covered page 42 of book the parts which we covered: Reading: An article about shooting star/ Grammar: Comparatives/ Speaking: Comparing types of weather
تکلیف: please do your workbook (part 4C) Write down a paragraph and compare two different seasons in a country.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی دهم

مدرس: خدابنده لو، فاطمه
فعالیت: Part 4A was taught.
تکلیف: Dear students, please answer the questions on page 42 of your workbook. Write down a weather report.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی دهم

مدرس: خدابنده لو، فاطمه
فعالیت: Part 3H was taught.
تکلیف: Dear students, please answer part 8 and 9 on page 39 of your book and complete page 35 of your workbook.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی دهم

مدرس: خدابنده لو، فاطمه
فعالیت: Part 3G was taught. Our topic was about reaching an agreement by thinking and using of key words and phrases in English.
تکلیف: Dear students please complete page 36 of your workbook. You are supposed to describe the most interesting movie genres.
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