فعالیت و تکلیف

شعبه: متوسطه اول پسرانه جمهوری تهران
کلاس: زبان‌انگلیسی سطح 2

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
تکلیف: Please do the workbook, page: 38

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Showing pictures and movie clip to students about WH Questions. Giving student pair work to talk about their daily routines and what happens at the same time
تکلیف: Please do the workbook, pages: 35,36,37

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
تکلیف: please uses present simple in 6 sentence affirmative, negative, and interrogative) for example: does she play basketball? yes, she does she plays basketball No, she doesn't she doesn't play basketball

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking students about the place they like to travel giving students pair work to talk about favorite vacation .
تکلیف: Write 5 sentences about your last summer holiday

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: explain the seasons of the year by showing slides in PowerPoint and paperwork.
تکلیف: please write about your favorite season in 6 sentences.
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