فعالیت و تکلیف

شعبه: متوسطه اول پسرانه جمهوری تهران
کلاس: زبان‌انگلیسی سطح 2

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Describing ideal school to students through giving pair works and discussions
تکلیف: Please describe your ideal school in 5 sentences.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking student to describe perfect student. Giving some information about the interesting places to help student to describe them. Students say the popular names and food in their city. Assign the students to write and describe their ideal place to live.
تکلیف: .Please describe perfect student and write 5 sentences about it

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking student to describe the world and countries. Giving some information about the interesting places to help student to describe them. Students say the popular names and food in their city. Assign the students to write and describe their ideal place to live.
تکلیف: write 5 sentence by using adverb of frequency for example: I always go to school I sometimes go to the cinama

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Giving some information about the interesting places to help student to describe them. Students say the popular names and food in their celebrations. Assign the students to write and describe their ideal party
تکلیف: make notes about the celebration when/where things I go Things I like people do these things

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking student to describe the world and countries. Giving some information about the interesting places to help student to describe them. Students say the popular names and food in their city. Assign the students to write and describe their ideal place to live.
تکلیف: Please write about celebration or festival in your country
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