فعالیت و تکلیف

شعبه: متوسطه اول پسرانه جمهوری تهران
کلاس: زبان‌انگلیسی سطح 2

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Showing picture and students guess which adjectives in the box describe the special days. Reading the text through scanning the new words. Each student says his idea about special days and teacher check their answers. Assign students to write about special days through surfing the net.
تکلیف: interview with your family about the special days in your country

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking student about the meaning of present continuous Scanning the text to find the new words and student search about the new words. Reading again and answering the questions. Assign the students to write 5 solutions about how to help people with disabilities.
تکلیف: Please write 5 solutions about how to help people with disabilities.

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Asking student about the meaning of special day. Scanning the text to find the new words and student search about the new words. Reading again and answering the questions. Assign the students the research about special days and give their ideas.
تکلیف: invent a new special day. use vocabulary from the box celebrate go close ski have a holiday

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
فعالیت: Giving some information about what they do during the week and talk about their family activities. Students say the favorite sports and hobbies. Assign the students to write and describe their ideal routines.
تکلیف: Interview with your family and write what they do everyday

زبان انگلیسی همگانی هفتم

مدرس: اسماعیلی، امیر
تکلیف: Please write 5 sentences about your favorite months and say ..what you would do and buy if you get rich.
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